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通过加入赌钱app可以微信提现荣誉课程,充分利用您在哪个app可以赌足球的教育, where you will follow your curiosity, challenge yourself to take risks, serve your community, 抓住机会,带头让世界变得更美好.

赌钱app可以微信提现 Honors offers you support

Staff and faculty are here to listen, support, mentor, 并引导你发现思考我们的世界和未来的新方法. 完整的员工名单和联系信息可以在 Honors Students Blog. Honors Faculty bios are available on the Honors Faculty Blog.

赌钱app可以微信提现 Honors brings diversity

赌钱app可以微信提现荣誉学生团体拥有各种各样丰富的身份交集, including different races, nationalities, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, veteran status, marital, parental, socio-economic statuses, majors, and aspirations.

As an honors student at 赌钱app可以微信提现, 你将完成一系列的经历,通过探索新想法和挑战自己来拓宽你的视野. You will also actively engage in smaller, 在研讨会式的课堂上,我们培养了一种开放的交流方式,并从我们的差异中学习.

赌钱app可以微信提现 Honors wants to visit with you

赌钱app可以微信提现的荣誉课程通过学术咨询为各专业的学术上进心学生提供支持, co-curricular activities, and a strong community of support.

荣誉计划的工作人员很乐意在周一至周五的办公时间内通过Zoom在线或亲自前往COM 201与您会面, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Please email to set up virtual or in-person appointments. 荣誉休息室和荣誉学习工作室可供提前预订空间的学生使用. Reach out to to do so!

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)提供服务的机会, leadership, transfer scholarships, career readiness, networking, building connections with peers, 帮我转到四年制学校.

Getting involved in PTK includes:

  • 与校园和社区的其他人交流
  • Having fun with fellow members
  • 成为一名军官,获得实际的领导经验
  • Traveling to regional or national conventions
  • Being recognized at graduation
  • Benefiting from various online programs.

作为赌钱app可以微信提现 PTK的一员,您将有机会:

  • 通过独家在线了解雇主需要的专业技能 Competitive Edge program.
  • Navigate the job market with the Employment Edge training course.
  • Use PTK Connect 寻找适合转学的四年制学院和大学, 看看PTK可以为社区大学生提供的奖学金,包括那些专门为会员提供的奖学金.
  • 在转学的过程中不要耍花招,从招生专家那里获得建议 Transfer Edge online course.
  • There is up to $90 million in scholarships 可以帮助你完成副学士学位,学士学位,甚至硕士学位. 确保检查资格,并努力通过参与来建立你的奖学金申请!

对于事件日历和会议时间列表,请访问COM 201或电子邮件顾问 Anne Dotter.

Common questions about PTK

How do I join PTK?

要加入赌钱app可以微信提现,您必须目前已注册并已完成12个学分. You must also have a 3.5 GPA. 邀请函是在截止日期之后发送的th day of the semester.

  • 如果你对PTK的要求有疑问,请给安妮·波特发邮件 or stop by COM 201.
  • 如果您已被邀请并已收到您的会员接受码, you can accept membership on the Phi Theta Kappa website.


Phi Theta Kappa是独立于赌钱app可以微信提现荣誉项目的, 加入PTK并不会自动将您纳入赌钱app可以微信提现荣誉课程, 即使你符合资格要求.

作为一名Phi Theta Kappa的成员,我的要求是?

Nothing! However, the more you put into PTK, the more you will get out of it, but the level of engagement is up to you. 活跃在PTK会让你成为更好的奖学金候选人,并有助于充实你的简历. 有关如何参与的更多信息,请访问COM 201.

What is the PTK Induction Ceremony? Is it mandatory?

Phi Theta Kappa入会典礼每学期举行一次,以表彰PTK的新成员,并正式将他们引入我们的分会. 这是一个带你的朋友和家人参加的精彩活动, 是一个机会,以满足同胞PTK成员, officers, and advisors.

The PTK Induction Ceremony is voluntary. 有关就职典礼的问题,请发电子邮件 Anne Dotter or stop by COM 201.


Yes! PTK提供独家纪念品,供会员在毕业典礼上佩戴, 学生的文凭上有PTK注释.


这个问题和更多问题的答案可以在 PTK page of the Honors blog!

赌钱app可以微信提现荣誉榜认可所有GPA达到3分的学生.5 or higher.

被认可为院长名单的学生(GPA在3.5 and 3.99) or the President’s list (4.GPA为0)的学生将被自动邀请加入荣誉课程.

Learn more about grades and the Honor Roll