
Financial need is a student's calculated eligibility for financial assistance.

Eligibility is determined by subtracting the SAI (Student Aid Index) from the COA (出勤费用).

出勤费用 – Student Aid Index = 财务需要

Many types of financial aid are offered based on financial need and are provided to help meet that need.  Some grant and scholarship programs may require information from the FAFSA to determine financial need.  So, it’s in your best interest to complete the FAFSA every year to increase opportunities for financial assistance. 

Most federal student aid programs require a student to have financial need, except for Direct Unsubsidized and Direct PLUS (Parent) Loans.

Here are some commonly used terms and definitions related to financial aid and college-related costs.  

Your SAI is a number used to determine your federal financial aid eligibility. It measures the strength of you and your family's resources and ability to contribute toward your cost of attendance. Your SAI figure is determined by an objective, congressionally approved need analysis formula. It is not the amount of money that your family must provide.

All data used to calculate your SAI comes from the information you provide on the FAFSA. Your family's income (taxable and untaxed) and assets are considered in determining your SAI.

详见 How 金融援助 Is Calculated.

When you apply for federal student aid, the 金融援助 Office uses your COA in determining how much aid you can receive. The COA is the total 估计 cost for a student to attend a particular school – expressed as a yearly figure. It is determined using rules established by law.

Although tuition represents a large portion of your college budget, there are other costs to keep in mind as you estimate your expenses. 这些费用包括:

  • 书 & 供应: textbooks, course materials, school supplies/equipment
  • 电脑: Includes computing devices, hardware, and software related items
  • 住房 & 食物: rent, utilities, groceries, other food expenses
  • Licenses, certifications or professional credentials
  • 贷款费用
  • 杂项: essentials, entertainment and other expenses
  • Special program cost (仅限第一年)
  • 交通: vehicle maintenance, auto insurance, fuel
  • 学费 & 费用: based on your residency and program of study

Keep in mind, these costs can be 直接 or 间接. Direct costs are those that may be billed by the college such as tuition & 费用.  Those you would pay 直接ly to the college. In直接 are 估计 costs for those attending college. These costs can vary but should be included when considering how much you should budget.

Students can also use the 净价计算器. This calculator provides an 估计 net cost of attendance. It includes tuition and required 费用, 书籍及用品, 住房和食物, and other related expenses — minus 估计 grant and scholarship aid for current and prospective students and their families based on what similar students paid in a previous year.

赌钱app可以微信提现 金融援助 students that have been packaged can view their personalized cost of attendance through their My赌钱app可以微信提现 account. Navigate to “My 金融援助” on the 金融援助 & Scholarships card and view the College Financing Plan.

Adjusted Annually – Budgets will be adjusted on August 1 to reflect each student’s actual enrollment. 

学费 Prorated for 招收ment – The tuition, 费用, 书籍及用品 of the budgets will be prorated based on actual enrollment. 

Limitations for Less than Half-Time 招收ment – If you are enrolled less than half-time, budgets are not allowed to have miscellaneous and personal expenses included. 

Changes to 金融援助 Package – Changes to your financial aid offer may be required after the budget adjustments are complete.  If so, you will be notified.

Budgets are Based on Fall 招收ment – The budget will be set for the fall and spring semester based on enrollment for the fall semester. If a student is enrolled in less than full-time hours for the fall semester but increases their hours in the spring, they will need to contact the 金融援助 Office for an increase in their budget.

The following factors are taken into consideration when determining cost of attendance budgets:

书的成本 are based on 估计 amounts determined by the 赌钱app可以微信提现书店 for either purchase or rental. The amount currently averages around $65 per credit hour.

照顾孩子 (if added) is based on comparing the Kansas childcare subsidy rate with the rates at the Hiersteiner Child Development Center on campus.

电脑 calculation is determined based on 赌钱app可以微信提现书店's average pricing for an economical computer.”

贷款费用 are based on an average of loan 费用. All students have it in their budget whether they accept loans or not.

Miscellaneous/住房 and 食物/运输 Expenses are costs based off College Board’s Living Expense Budgets. They state that 36% of the budget is Miscellaneous, 53% is 住房 (with 30% of that as food) and 11% is 运输.

特殊项目费用, if required for specific selective admission programs, may be added automatically to accommodate higher program supply/kit costs.

学费 is established annually by the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Board of Trustees on a per-credit hour basis. Depending on your verification of residency, your rate is calculated for each of the four residential categories: Johnson County Resident, Non-Johnson County Resident, Metro Rate and Non-Resident. Refer to the current tuition rates by semester and the extended table for each category by the number of credit hours. Budgets may be set up using an 估计 cost for tuition rather than actual tuition costs.

出勤费用 Estimated Budgets

For an estimate of your cost of attendance at 赌钱app可以微信提现, select your residency and dependency status.

Are you dependent or independent? 
请查看 Federal Student Aid’s dependency status page to determine your status to use when checking the estimates below.

Program abbreviation key:

  • NDT - Neurodiagnostic Technology
  • PN -实习护士
  • 注册护士-注册护士
  • RC -呼吸护理


Dependent, Living at 首页

项目(s) 标准程序 Neurodiagnostic Technology 实际的护理 注册护士 呼吸道护理 口腔卫生 铁路售票员
书 & 供应(65美元/小时) $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560
电脑 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
住房 & 食物 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862
License, Certification, or Professional Credential $0 $120 $243 $300 $525 $1,440 $0
贷款费用 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40
Misc $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052
Special Program Cost (1st year only) $0 $0 $0 $2,024 $0 $6,160 $4,200
运输 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764
学费 & 费用(101美元/小时) $2,424 $2,424 $2,424 $2,424 $2,424 $2,424 $2,424
Total 出勤费用: 22,202 22,322 22,445 24,526 22,727 29,802 26,402

Dependent, Living off Campus / Independent

项目(s) 标准程序 Neurodiagnostic Technology 实际的护理 注册护士 呼吸道护理 口腔卫生 铁路售票员
书 & 供应(65美元/小时) $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560
电脑 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
住房 & 食物 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324
License, Certification, Or Professional Credential $0 $120 $243 $300 $525 $1,440 $0
贷款费用 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40
Misc $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052
Special Program Cost (1st year only) $0 $0 $0 $2,024 $0 $6,160 $4,200
运输 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764
学费 & 费用(101美元/小时) $2,424 $2,424 $2,424 $2,424 $2,424 $2,424 $2,424
Total 出勤费用: Independent $29,664 $29,784 $29,907 $31,988 $30,189 $37,264 $33,864

Dependent, Living at 首页

项目(s) 标准程序 Neurodiagnostic Technology 实际的护理 注册护士 呼吸道护理 口腔卫生 铁路售票员
书 & 供应(65美元/小时) $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560
电脑 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
住房 & 食物 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862
License, Certification, Or Professional Credential $0 $120 $243 $300 $525 $1,440 $0
贷款费用 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40
Misc $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052
Special Program Cost (1st year only) $0 $0 $0 $2,024 $0 $6,160 $4,200
运输 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764
学费 & 费用(121美元/小时) $2,904 $2,904 $2,904 $2,904 $2,904 $2,904 $2,904
Total 出勤费用: $22,682 $22,802 $22,925 $25,006 $23,207 $30,282 $26,882

Dependent, Living off Campus / Independent

项目(s) 标准程序 Neurodiagnostic Technology 实际的护理 注册护士 呼吸道护理 口腔卫生 铁路售票员
书 & 供应(65美元/小时) $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560
电脑 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
住房 & 食物 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324
License, Certification, Or Professional Credential $0 $120 $243 $300 $525 $1,440 $0
贷款费用 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40
Misc $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052
Special Program Cost (1st year only) $0 $0 $0 $2,024 $0 $6,160 $4,200
运输 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764
学费 & 费用(121美元/小时) $2,904 $2,904 $2,904 $2,904 $2,904 $2,904 $2,904
Total 出勤费用: $30,144 $30,264 $30,387 $32,468 $30,669 $37,744 $34,344

Dependent, Living at 首页

项目(s) 标准程序 Neurodiagnostic Technology 实际的护理 注册护士 呼吸道护理 口腔卫生 铁路售票员
书 & 供应(65美元/小时) $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560
电脑 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
住房 & 食物 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862
License, Certification, Or Professional Credential $0 $120 $243 $300 $525 $1,440 $0
贷款费用 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40
Misc $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052
Special Program Cost (1st year only) $0 $0 $0 $2,024 $0 $6,160 $4,200
运输 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764
学费 & 费用(237美元/小时) $5,688 $5,688 $5,688 $5,688 $5,688 $5,688 $5,688
Total 出勤费用: $25,466 $25,586 $25,709 $27,790 $25,991 $33,066 $29,666

Dependent, Living off Campus / Independent

项目(s) 标准程序 Neurodiagnostic Technology 实际的护理 注册护士 呼吸道护理 口腔卫生 铁路售票员
书 & 供应(65美元/小时) $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560
电脑 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
住房 & 食物 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324
License, Certification, Or Professional Credential $0 $120 $243 $300 $525 $1,440 $0
贷款费用 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40
Misc $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052
Special Program Cost (1st year only) $0 $0 $0 $2,024 $0 $6,160 $4,200
运输 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764
学费 & 费用(237美元/小时) $5,688 $5,688 $5,688 $5,688 $5,688 $5,688 $5,688
Total 出勤费用: $32,928 $33,048 $33,171 $35,252 $33,453 $40,528 $37,128

Dependent, Living at 首页

项目(s) 标准程序 Neurodiagnostic Technology 实际的护理 注册护士 呼吸道护理 口腔卫生 铁路售票员
书 & 供应(65美元/小时) $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560
电脑 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
住房 & 食物 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862 $5,862
License, Certification, Or Professional Credential $0 $120 $243 $300 $525 $1,440 $0
贷款费用 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40
Misc $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052
Special Program Cost (1st year only) $0 $0 $0 $2,024 $0 $6,160 $4,200
运输 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764
学费 & 费用(149美元/小时) $3,576 $3,576 $3,576 $3,576 $3,576 $3,576 $3,576
Total 出勤费用: $23,354 $23,474 $23,597 $25,678 $23,879 $30,954 $27,554

Dependent, Living off Campus / Independent

项目(s) 标准程序 Neurodiagnostic Technology 实际的护理 注册护士 呼吸道护理 口腔卫生 铁路售票员
书 & 供应(65美元/小时) $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560 $1,560
电脑 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
住房 & 食物 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324 $13,324
License, Certification, Or Professional Credential $0 $120 $243 $300 $525 $1,440 $0
贷款费用 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40
Misc $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052 $9,052
Special Program Cost (1st year only) $0 $0 $0 $2,024 $0 $6,160 $4,200
运输 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764 $2,764
学费 & 费用(149美元/小时) $3,576 $3,576 $3,576 $3,576 $3,576 $3,576 $3,576
Total 出勤费用: $30,816 $30,936 $31,059 $33,140 $31,341 $38,416 $35,016

Do You Have 照顾孩子 Costs?

Students who have childcare costs are encouraged to contact our office. The cost of attendance can be increased to include those costs, which can impact financial aid eligibility.

2024-2025 照顾孩子 cost estimates are $10,656.