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Find the job or internship that best fits you.

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JobLinksSM is a free job and internship database provided by our center for 赌钱app可以微信提现 students, 赌钱app可以微信提现 alumni and employers. You can search for and apply to jobs or internships, upload your current résumé or develop a new one using Résumé Creator.

Log in to JobLinksSM

Use the student JobLinks guide (PDF) to learn how to access your student account, create a profile and get notified for jobs that match your criteria.

Other resources

  • Job Boards - Job opportunities from employers are also posted daily on rolling boards located in the Student Center and COM buildings.
  • Find new internship and job postings on the Career Development Center’s News page.

What are Internships?

Internships are a valuable form of on-the-job training, completed while you’re in school. With an internship (or more) on your résumé, you can increase your marketability and strengthen your practical skills. Internships also help you develop as a professional and increase your career readiness.

Check out job and career options with these websites.

It's always a good idea to get familiar with any company you're interviewing with, whether you're going after an internship or a job. These resources can help you brush up on area businesses.

  • You can search job openings, research companies and review reported salaries.
  • Kansas City Business Journal Book of Lists is a print resource that provides a listing of hundreds of the hottest area companies in their fields, by ranking. The names of key decision-makers, along with their titles and complete contact information are included. Stop by the Career Development Center or the Billington Library to see a copy.
  • LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network and a good resource to research companies, find a job or strengthen and extend your network. Create an account, post your résumé and make connections.

Stop in the Career Development Center for additional research resources.