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呼吸护理计划是一个选择性的招生计划与学术, interview, and procedural requirements.


Selective admission programs are not eligible for the 60+ reduced tuition rate.

We will evaluate your application after the deadline, provided you submitted all required documentation. 以下标准要求将用于确定您的资格, final ranking, and selection:

You must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher to be eligible for admission to the program.
BIOL 144 Human Anatomy and Physiology
OR BIOL 140 Human Anatomy AND BIOL 225 Human Physiology
CHEM 122 Principles of Chemistry
OR CHEM 124 Chemistry I AND CHEM 125 Chemistry I Lab 
ENGL 121 Composition I 3
MATH 116 Intermediate Algebra 3
Total prerequisite credit hours 16
  • All courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher.  先决条件不接受及格或不及格成绩选项.
  • 完成先决条件课程不需要申请该计划,但必须在计划开始时完成.

^See all AAS General Education Electives.

  • If your course work has been completed at 赌钱app可以微信提现, a copy of your transcript will be placed in your file.
  • 您可以通过登录您的My赌钱app可以微信提现帐户查看您的学习成绩, 选择“我的记录”选项卡,点击“查看非官方成绩单”.” It is not necessary to request 赌钱app可以微信提现 transcripts.
  • You must contact all other institutions and request an official transcript be sent directly to 赌钱app可以微信提现 Selective Admissions. 其他院校的成绩单只有在申请人要求的情况下才会提供给赌钱app可以微信提现. Faxed or hand-carried copies will not be accepted.
  • 您有责任确保所有转学分都与赌钱app可以微信提现要求的课程相同,并记录在您的成绩单上,或者在2月6日之前咨询咨询师是否有可能获得课程替代. 1.

Please email the Admissions Office at if you have any questions.

我们强烈建议您在申请该项目之前与赌钱app可以微信提现顾问会面. To make a counseling appointment, call 913-469-3809 or email and ask to meet with an RC or healthcare counselor

We will evaluate your application after the deadline, provided that you submit all required documentation. 以下标准将用于确定您的最终排名和选择:

  • Cumulative GPA.
  • Number of completed prerequisite courses by application deadline. 申请该计划不需要完成先决条件课程, but must be completed by the start of the program.
  • 学习成绩证明你有能力成功完成大量的课程.
  • Healthcare courses (e.g. Introduction to Healthcare Delivery, Medical Terminology, etc.) successfully completed beyond the minimum requirements
  • 已完成证书或学位并在申请截止日期之前提交证明的候选人(例如:CNA), EMT, Pharmacy Tech, AS, BS).

背景调查的披露和同意表格包含在项目申请中. Once you have been granted preliminary acceptance 进入这个项目,你必须通过背景调查和毒品检查.

After your Intent to Accept form has been received, 我们将提供必要的入职任务和如何启动背景调查的说明, 药物筛选和文件管理系统(DMS)通过有效性筛选解决方案. Prior background checks cannot be used. 所有标记的记录都是逐案审查的,可能会阻止程序的完全接受. 任何不遵守这些规定的行为都可能导致您被撤回接受或终止该计划.

Upon admission to the program, 学生将收到有关接种疫苗和结核病检测所需时间的进一步指示. 我们的临床附属网站,学生参加需要接种疫苗的证明. Therefore, 所有进入医疗保健课程(如呼吸护理)的学生都需要提供以下免疫和/或免疫证明:

  • 乙型肝炎系列和免疫-需要以下其中一项:
    • 3 vaccinations or
    • Positive antibody titer or
    • A signed school declination waiver
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella – One of the following is required:
    • 2 vaccinations or
    • Positive antibody titer for all 3 components
  • Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Acellular Pertussis)
    • Submit documentation of Tdap or booster within the past 10 years
  • 水痘带状疱疹病毒(水痘)-需要下列其中一种:
    • 2 vaccinations or
    • Positive antibody titer
  • Flu vaccine
    • Must be completed annually between August 1 and October 31
  • TB screening -
    • QuantiFeron Gold Blood test (Lab report required)
    • 如果结核结果呈阳性,则需要胸部x光检查(需要实验室报告)。
  • COVID-19 -由于COVID-19疫苗接种的临床需求迅速变化, 与项目主管联系了解最新的要求和流程.

面试后的申请人将根据面试小组的一致意见通过电子邮件提供职位. 剩余的面试候选人将被列入等候名单或被确定为不再考虑项目入学标准的候选人.


Applicant acceptance is based on the following contingencies: 

  • 在课程开始前满意地完成任何剩余的先决条件课程.
  • 令人满意地完成所需的背景调查和药物筛选. 将向被录取的候选人提供有关要求的说明. 任何不遵守这些规定的行为都可能导致您被撤回接受或终止该计划.  
  • 提交和审查健康记录包和支持文件. The packet, immunization verifications, 入职任务必须在指定日期之前完成并在线提交. 
  • Any fees associated with the background check, the health record and physical examination, or other agency or state requirements are your responsibility. See the “How Much Will It Cost?” panel at the bottom of the main Respiratory Care page for estimated expenses for the program.


1. Validity Document Management System (DMS)

  • Create a New User account
  • New background check and drug test through Validity

2. Health Record Packet

  • The 15-page packet includes frequently asked questions, instructions, and deadlines for required immunizations and tasks
  • Student Acknowledgment must be signed and dated
  • 需要进行新的身体检查(留出时间安排并由医生或执业护士完成身体检查)

3. Basic Life Support (BLS) Certificate

  • 必须是美国心脏保健专业人员协会BLS(或BLS CPR & AED Certification through AHA) completed between June 1 and July 31, the year accepted to the program with no exceptions

4. Family Care Safety Registry (FCSR)

  • 注册并收到新的官方FCSR背景筛选确认函. If you registered previously, 联系FCSR并要求重新运行FCSR背景筛选以进行验证.

5. Shadowing/Clinical Observation

  • 一旦被录取,将提供实习联系信息和验证表格以供填写.

6. Documentation

  • 在8月2日截止日期之前,将已完成任务的验证/文档上传到Validity DMS.
该计划需要实习,实习,临床部分或州/委员会许可. 举办实习/实习/诊所的机构可能会要求申请人提供社会安全号码或出示社会安全卡的证明. See program chairperson for more information.