

这个项目有资格获得堪萨斯承诺奖学金. 看看你是否符合条件.

呼吸治疗师一次拯救一次生命. 这个程序将训练你识别, treat 和 prevent breathing issues ranging from emphysema in adults to underdeveloped lungs in newborns.


我们的 selective admission 呼吸道护理 program at 哪个app可以赌足球 offers two consecutive years of the same kind of rigorous training as four-year schools.


  • 治疗呼吸或心肺疾病患者
  • 对患者及其家属进行疾病教育
  • 帮助有烟瘾的病人
  • 对肺部疾病患者进行诊断检测
  • 治疗创伤患者并与所有急救小组合作
  • 作为跨学科医疗团队的成员协调护理


赌钱app可以微信提现的呼吸护理项目是一个为期两年的项目. 课程因学期而异.

第一学期和第二学期: 每周见面两天,每周约14小时(上午9点到下午4点).

第三、四学期: 学生每周完成24小时的临床时间.  In addition to clinical, students will have class all day Tuesday in the 第三 学期和周二上午 第四 学期.

这个65学时的课程完全由 委员会 关于呼吸护理认证(CoARC). 完成所有学分要求后, you will graduate with an Associate of Applied Science degree in 呼吸道护理. 从RC项目毕业后, you will be eligible to sit for credentialing examinations to earn the following two credentials:

  • 注册呼吸治疗师(CRT)
  • 呼吸治疗师(RRT) 




You’re joining this growing field at a pivotal time, 和 赌钱app可以微信提现 is keeping up with industry advances. Area hospitals know the quality of our curriculum 和 request 赌钱app可以微信提现 graduates.

我们有很多值得骄傲的事情. 我们提供:

  • A 100 percent job placement rate for respiratory care degree recipients who choose to enter the workplace directly after graduation.
  • 董事会通过率高于全国平均水平.
  • A state-of-the-art Healthcare Simulation Center where you will gain h和s-on experience before your hospital clinical study.
  • 教师 who are all registered respiratory care practitioners with advanced degrees.
  • Relationships with nine award-winning area hospitals for a clinical study.
  • 课程限制为16至20名学生,因此您可以:
    • 问问题
    • 参与讨论
    • 与同学和教授联系
  • 我们负担得起的. 费用合理,而且我们的校园离都会区很方便.
  • 赌钱app可以微信提现课程可以转到大多数四年制学校.
苏茜R., 赌钱app可以微信提现呼吸护理专业毕业生
“我发现诊所是最有价值的部分之一. 他们做得很彻底, 当我完成这个项目的时候, 我觉得自己已经准备好成为一名呼吸治疗师了. 我有了所需的信心和技能."
这是一个择优录取的项目. 见录取标准

哪个app可以赌足球’s 呼吸道护理 program (#200076) Associate of Applied Science degree is accredited by the 呼吸护理认可委员会 (CoARC).  的 赌钱app可以微信提现 program will prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in the cognitive (knowledge), 精神运动(技能), 和 affective (behavior) learning domains of respiratory care practice as performed by the registered respiratory therapists (RRTs).

CoARC accredits respiratory therapy education programs in the United States.  为了实现这一目标,它采用了“基于结果”的流程.  Programmatic outcomes are performance indicators that reflect the extent to which the educational goals of the program are achieved 和 by which program effectiveness is documented.  欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.coarc.com.



With an Associate of Applied Science in 呼吸道护理 you can put your education to work in:

  • 长期护理——熟练的护理设施,康复医院
  • Neonatal-Pediatrics – children’s 和 general hospitals with neonatal-pediatric care
  • 地面和空中运输——空中或地面救护车
  • 肺康复-康复中心和门诊中心
  • 多导睡眠图——睡眠实验室
  • Education – professors 和 instructors in community colleges, universities, continuing education
  • 重症监护室:急症医院的重症监护室
  • Case Management – patient transition from hospital to home care setting
  • 家庭护理-提供住宅设备的公司
  • Pulmonary Diagnostics – hospital or physician offices, pulmonary laboratories






犯罪背景调查 ($46.各50元)及 药物的屏幕 ($42.00(每个)+ 文件管理系统 ($25.00) + $3.00 行政费用 (录取后收费)





  • 价格根据个人保险和所需的免疫接种而有所不同
  • Healthcare insurance must be maintained for the entire length of the program 和 is not included in this total




学费 成本是基于 26 第一年的学分和 26 第二年的学分按约翰逊县居民费率计算. 

有关约翰逊县以外地区的学费信息, 查看当前学费费率




书 & EHR Go访问代码


*Some texts may be purchased in a bundle during the first 学期 at a discounted rate

EHR Go访问代码订阅(40周):125美元




















*BLS must remain current for the entire two-years enrolled in the program



















Costs are approximate 和 are subject to change based upon Dean/EVPI (Executive Vice President, 指示)委员会批准.

在为大学做预算时,有几件事需要考虑. 访问我们的 出勤费用页面 详细信息.


Other important information to know before applying for 赌钱app可以微信提现’s 呼吸道护理 program include the following:

  • Physical examinations, including immunizations, must be current each year.
  • Costs for healthcare 和 healthcare insurance are the responsibility of the individual student.
  • 如果适用的话,应该为儿童保育费用制定计划.
  • Transportation to 和 from class 和 to clinical agencies is the responsibility of the student.
  • 从RC项目毕业后, you will be eligible to take the 国家呼吸保健委员会 (NBRC) Board Exams:
    • TMC Examination costs $190 for new applicants 和 $150 for repeat applicants.
    • CSE对新申请人和重复申请者的费用为200美元.


参观 经济援助页面 一般经济援助信息. Specific respiratory care scholarships are only awarded to students enrolled in 和 actively taking respiratory care (RC) classes. 申请赌钱app可以微信提现奖学金, you must complete the 赌钱app可以微信提现 scholarship application for the current year, 目前有赌钱app可以微信提现的入学申请吗, 还有高中时的绩点, 赌钱app可以微信提现, 或者其他你上过的大学.

我们项目中的奖学金需要FAFSA, but students do not need to pursue federal financial aid because only that the FAFSA for that academic year be on file at the college. Having the FAFSA on file will open up more opportunities for scholarships.

请记得每年完成赌钱app可以微信提现奖学金申请! We award throughout the year, so apply even if you miss the April 1 priority deadline.

Students anticipating difficulty financing their education should contact the 金融援助 office, 在学生中心的二楼, 913-469-3840, as soon as possible to request application information for student financial aid assistance.

的 财政援助程序清单 (pdf) is a great reference on the process for receiving financial aid at 赌钱app可以微信提现.

检查你的经济援助要求和状态, log in to My赌钱app可以微信提现 和 select “My 金融援助” 和 then “Requirements.” Use the dropdown menu to pick the correct academic year to see the needed requirements, if any.


In addition, 赌钱app可以微信提现 offers many different tools 和 resources for students to take advantage of. We offer smaller class sizes, personalized learning experiences, 和 professional tutoring services. 的se tools can all help to make your time at 赌钱app可以微信提现 both educational 和 fulfilling.

我们的 学术咨询职业发展中心 services are here for you if you’re still trying to figure out what career you want post-graduation. 赌钱app可以微信提现致力于帮助您规划您的未来.

如果你想在其他地方继续你的教育 把你的学分转到四年制大学我们在赌钱app可以微信提现的转职流程非常简单.